Why are Shade Sail inspections important?
Shade sail and fabric structures inspections help to identify and prevent incidents on all types of fabric structures located at schools, kindergartens, day care facilities, playgrounds, parks, swimming pools and public facilities.
Through a critical examination of the shade sails and associated structures, inspections help to identify and record hazards for corrective action. Regular shade sail inspections are an important part of any overall occupational health and safety program and management system.

What is the purpose of Playground Shade Sail inspections?

To comply with Government guidelines including Worksafe Victoria and the Victorian Department of Education & Early Childhood recommendations and to help identify any pre-existing issues with all types of shade sails and their support structures including engineering compliance and plan for future maintenance if required.
What is the purpose of Insurance pre loss Shade Sail inspections?
We can identify any possible issues prior to a severe weather event so they can be rectified and possible avoid any damage.
They also give an accurate description of the insured asset including any possible OHS issues prior to claim in case this information is required in the future.
The standard inspections include all the main items that make up any type of fabric structure such as fabrics, posts, footings, hardware, OHS compliance, engineering, age and value.

What we examine
Using our custom designed Inspection App software a Mainsailz Shade Sail Inspection© is a comprehensive onsite assessment designed to identify potential hazards relating to the shade sail and its supporting structures.
Using a thorough and structured assessment process, along with discussions with key staff in the workplace, hazards are identified and suitable control measures are recommended.
Following the onsite inspection, a report is provided detailing hazards that have been identified, along with recommendations for control measures.
A plan is also provided, identifying priority actions recommended to reduce the risk associated with the identified hazards.
Every inspection includes a detailed assessment of the shade sail fabric, posts, frame, footings, engineering, playground fall zone compliance and any OHS issues identified.
We pay particular attention to items that are or are most likely to develop into unsafe conditions because of stress, wear, impact, corrosion, or misuse.
Our reports include assessment of the following items:
- Sail and fabric type, age and condition
- Post and frame size, age and condition
- Detailed site plan including set out and dimensions
- Footing excavation and inspection
- OHS recommendations
- Engineering compliance report
- Asset Management assessment
- Detailed site photos
- Findings and recommendations

How frequent should Playground Shade Sail inspections be done?
Worksafe Victoria and the Victorian Department of Education & Early Childhood recommend inspections of any type of shade sail located within school grounds are initially inspected annually and then by a competent person on a regular basis with a structural engineers shade sail inspection report required every 3 years. Our inspections comply with all these requirements.

How are inspections actually done?
Site inspections are undertaken by a qualified Shade Sail Inspector or Structural Engineer if required. In most cases our inspections can be carried out from ground level with minimal disruption to the asset owner or their staff and clients.

Advantages of using Mainsailz
- Independent consultants that are not fabricators without any conflict of interest
- PL Insurered for $20,000,000.00
- 30 years’ experience and qualified Sailmakers, insurance assessors, engineers and playground consultants.
- Over 2500 reports to date
- In house engineering and playground consultant service
- All inspectors have working with children certification
- Compliance with Worksafe Victoria inspection recommendations
- App based report with cloud storage
- Lifetime assistance 24/7
- Tender speciation if required
- Forensics engineering and expert witness services if required
- Reports include templates and training for 3 monthly inspections by asset owner
- All shade sail site inspections include SWMS & JSEA documentation relevant to the task
- Our shade sail inspectors are qualified ANZIIF Cert IV in Loss Adjustors and CIP Associates
Australia leading specialists shade sail inspection service